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Loosen Up! Thoughts to share?


In this section, we are encouraging you to communicate with Inspitivitee! Mind sharing with us what you are up to these days and how you are coping with your everyday circumstances? Your sentiments and well-being are important to us. With this, you are free to express your emotions, and your feelings won't be invalidated!





Breathe through it!


PAUSE! Inspitivitee is here to remind you to pause your life for a while and take a deep breath. Through this panel, we are offering you a collection of experiences that will surely be relatable to you. All of us are experiencing difficulty, so let's get through it together. Read our blogs and let your thoughts breathe. Share them with us; you're not alone!




Life has never been easy. We may come from different upbringings but each of us are enduring all the obstacles that we're facing. Abandonment and the feeling of helplessness comes along with traumatizing loss of determination. Yet after all, we are still looking for our reason to carry on. An indication that we want to not just forever be stuck in these situations. That we still faintly believe that we may be blue today, tomorrow we will not be dismayed.


It is for those who have think that they have no purpose to continue, who are tired and want to give up, suffered the most and are invalidated, were succumbed by darkness and can't find the struck of light. This is for those who are seeking affirmations, wanting to be loved, and continue despite having self-doubt. Inspitivitee is for someone like you. 


Life has never been easy, but we are living for the hopes that every individual will re-start a new path where we are much stronger than before. Willing to be an inspiration and encourage others to become their better selves just like what you have experienced. Remember that you matter. We matter. 


Lift one another and let our existence teach us a life-long lesson that we will cherish from the rest of our journey.


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