'Where did you go when you have nowhere?'
A question that rang havoc unto my whole system. It was one of the unanswered questions I've been avoiding. But as life goes on, you'll question yourself a lot. Especially on the nights that the silence was extra deafening; when your thoughts were scattered on the ground and you don't have the courage to organize them. In every circumstance that life gets hard and you find yourself lost in your own mercy; when you don't know how to stop for a while and choose the right path that will give you a break.
The truth is, it's just your thoughts. For I know that when people throw hatred on you, you already hate yourself before they do. For I know that when your parents shove your failures unto your face, you cried from it before they knew. For I know that when your friends hold unto you, you hold unto your feet so they won't fall right into the gutter with you. You're like a stray kid wandering into the unknown world, maybe you find it not fitting most of the time. But don't use yourself as leverage—an anchor— for everyone. Because you keep on thinking that it will help you find your place.
What if I tell you that, honey, you don't have to find a place nowhere to be seen when you have yourself. Your self is your home, your sanctuary. Something that you can call a place of your own.
written by: Haidee Maneja
illustration by: Nicole Brozo